News - Sri Lanka

Die folgende Information wurde vom Fremdenverkehrsamt von Sri Lanka am 11. Januar 2005 im Rahmen eines Tourismus-Newsletters verschickt:

News - News - News
Information of the Sri Lanka Tourist Board

Dear Colleagues / Sri Lanka Friends,

Sri Lanka tourism and other stake holders of the industry are very much keen and focused on re-emerging as one of the most attractive destinations of the region. It is a fact that only the coastal areas of the east and south have been affected by the flood waves. The other highlights and attractions of the destination in the interior such as ancient cities including Kandy, hill resorts such as Nuwara Eliya and National parks (with the exception of Yala) are almost 100 % in operation.

As far as the beach resorts are concerned, the hotels north of Colombo such as Negombo, Waikkal, Marawila etc are in operation. Even where the effected beach resorts of the south are concerned, 24
of the 47 hotels are already back in operation. As per the ministry, all hotels from Wadduwa towards Bentota with the exception of two will be in operation by end of this month.

Sri Lanka Tourism and other stakeholders of the industry are confident that we would be able to suppress any other threats such as health concerns, insufficiency of infra-structure facilities etc in the immediate future. We also have been successful in encouraging the media to focus more positively on these current efforts undertaken by the industry and are creating healthier awareness among the trade and consumers alike on the progress of bringing the affected resorts back to life.

Sri Lanka Tourism is very keen in requesting you all to follow the progress taking place and encourage travellers to Sri Lanka as earlier as possible.
Sri Lanka Tourist Board is continuously updating it's website from 28.12.04. This will be the main source of providing information on the current situation, the progress underway and any other vital data on the services:

By making the conditions of the affected areas suitable for visitors speedily as possible and encouraging the visitors to travel to the destination, we intend to recover from the current set-back in the immediate future.

In appreciation of your invaluable contribution to development of tourism in our country, we remain counting on you for your continued support for Sri Lanka tourism.
Dedicated to your service,

Channa Jayasinghe

Sri Lanka Tourist Board
Allerheiligentor 2-4
D-60311 Frankfurt

Tel.: 069-287734
Fax: 069-288371



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